Health & Risk factors at workplace

Understanding what is extra important in the work environment can also be described on the basis of the concepts of health factors and risk factors. Occupational rehabilitation services can help you if you need them.

Health factors *

  • Fair and transparent organization
  • Present, trusting and committed leadership
  • Participation and influence
  • Communication and feedback
  • Prioritization of tasks
  • Skills development throughout working life
  • Systematic work environment work in everyday life
  • Early intervention and work adaptation

Risk factors

Physical and technical risks
For example, physically strenuous work steps, noise, lack of protective equipment, knowledge and routines when using machines, lack of maintenance such as slippery floors and slippery winter surfaces, deficiencies in and use of IT systems.

Organizational risks
For example, ambiguity in priorities, leadership and goals, the organization of working hours and lack of recovery, shortcomings in and use of IT systems.

Social risks
For example, bullying, abusive discrimination, lack of support and cooperation difficulties, pressured external relations with elements of harassment, threats and violence, shortcomings in and use of IT systems.

In the next section, we look at how threats and violence can be defined.

Threats and violence

Different people may have different perceptions of what is a threat or violence. Different people also experience threats and violence in different ways.

Violence is aggressive acts that lead to physical or mental harm to another human being. By threat is meant, for example, oral or written threats of physical violence or vandalism.

What is perceived as a threat or violence varies and can not always be distinguished.


  • What health factors is it justified that we work with in our organization?
  • What risk factors are common with us today? How do we work with them?

Learn more about the Dialogue at workplace >>

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Categories: Health